A frightened and frostbitten Japanese golfer and his caddie were discovered in the rough just 12 metres from the 14th green huddling inside their golf bag but a Danish and an American player had still not been located late last night. They were reported missing when they didn’t hand in their scorecards and police divers were scouring the great lake surrounding the 11th green in the hope of finding them.
The Oakmont club has been criticised for being too difficult and hazard-laden by a number of players but club president Bucky Bullington dismissed the concerns, saying the there had only been a small number of fatalities reported by club members throughout the year that could be attributed to the course.
“You’d think that with their million-dollar pay checks and cushy lifestyles, the pros would appreciate a bit of danger in their golf,” he said. “But all I’ve heard is moaning about the alligators who roam the green on the 8th hole.”
Tiger Woods skilfully worked his way around the course today, carding a one over 71 and said that the decision to leave his 2-iron at home in favour of a chainsaw had paid dividends. “I put the weed-whacker in the bag as well and that proved very useful although with my hitting power, a 9-iron achieves much the same result,” he said.