Speaking from the safety of a barricaded bunker deep in the bowels of AFL House in Melbourne, Demetriou denied that AFL football was becoming a pale imitation of its former hard-hitting self.
“Sure the odd point guard is going to be annoyed when they tap someone on the wrist and their opponent gets two free throws”, he said. “But I think a few people, like that up-tight chap Paul Roos, need to understand that mean power-forwards like Barry Hall are not being deliberately targeted for being strong and hard-at-the ball when they’re going for rebounds.”
Roos performed one of the most brilliant balancing acts seen in a post-match media conference on the weekend, managing to shred the AFL’s credibility on the controversial rule without ever saying anything that could be deemed worthy of a fine by the commission.
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Meanwhile, Essendon coach Kevin Sheedy today commended the feral