Visiting the training ground where the team was preparing for a forthcoming friendly with the Waikato Reserves (playing in the World Cup as 'New Zealand' ) Rudd drew upon all his reserves of Churchillian oratory to implore leading stars like Mark Schwarzer and Tim Cahill to "enjoy the experience" and "listen to what Pim says".
"The nation's hopes are all on your shoulders. So, no pressure," said Rudd, delivering one of his razor sharp quips that resulted in a group of assistant coaches falling on the ground holding their sides.
The PM then also delivered an exhaustive appraisal of the Socceroos' draw, noting with keen insight that Germany would be a "difficult opponent".
Mark Bresciano appeared to be particularly enraptured with Rudd's speech although it was later revealed he had successfully wagered that Rudd would say "And you know what?" at least three times during the speech.
Tim Cahill, who like most of the squad seemed to be looking closely at his boots for most Rudd's talk, was generous in his praise for his country's leader.
"When I step up to take a penalty at this World Cup" he said, "I know my first and only thought will be of Kevin watching the game The Lodge with his complementary Socceroos scarf tied around his head."