Looking tired, withdrawn and fearful, Angel’s member Kevin "Slicer" Jones struggled to explain witness sightings of him and other gang members fraternising with renowned Magpie heavies Eddie “Boner” Maguire and Jeff “Joffa” Corfe just days before Collingwood’s loss to Melbourne.
“I know as a group we’ve done some crazy things,” Jones said. “But even we draw the line at hanging out with hardened criminals like those at Collingwood.”
Anonymous calls to Crimestoppers have reported that Jones and another Angels member were intoxicated at a King Street nightclub and accepted a lift from Maguire to check out his club’s headquarters at the Lexus Centre before being driven to the Carringbush Hotel and plied with more alcohol in an attempt to make them paralytic enough to sign up for club membership.
However Jones said that, in keeping with strict Angels’ policy, he was at club headquarters on the night in question serving Earl Grey tea as the gang enjoyed their traditional winter Scrabble tournament.
As part of his alibi, Jones was even able to name the winner of the tournament, Bruce “Lopper” Cartwright, who claimed victory with a triple-word-score on the final hand, although there was some dispute as to whether “Didakisdeadmeat” constituted a legitimate word.